Bookkeeping & Advisory

With my bookkeeping and CFO-like advisory services, we'll dive into your finances together, making smart, strategic decisions to fuel your growth. From detailed reports to budget tweaks and monthly check-ins, I've got your back every step of the way. Together we can make those numbers work for you!

  • You're looking for a financial advisor who can offer more than just bookkeeping. You need a partner who will help you interpret the numbers, providing strategic insights and recommendations to drive your business forward.

    Your business is on the rise, and you need expert financial guidance. You want someone who can not only manage your books but also offer advice on budgeting, investments, and financial planning to support your growth.

    You want a clear financial roadmap for your business. You need an advisor who can provide detailed analysis, identify trends, and suggest actionable steps to enhance profitability and sustainability.

    You're aiming to make smarter business decisions with expert support. You need a dedicated advisor who will work with you to understand your financial standing, plan for the future, and optimize your financial strategies for success.

  • Initial Discovery call to figure out your needs and wants

    Monthly Transaction Categorization

    Monthly Receipt Review/Management

    Month End Reconciliations

    Profit and Loss Report at month end

    Transaction Report at month end

    Easy-to-understand and customized Profit and Loss Review

    Monthly Budget vs. Actuals Report

    Yearly Budget

    YTD P&L Updated Report

    Cash Flow Statement

    Monthly Call to Discuss Goals for next month, Budget changes, Savings plans, owner's pay changes if necessary, investments for next month, any misc. questions you might have

    Voxer support for any questions or items that come up during the month

  • $1000/month

    *12 month contract

Monthly Bookkeeping

Monthly bookkeeping that not only checks off the boxes to give you your time back, but helps you understand your finances so you can feel confident in your numbers and make better business decisions.

  • You want a bookkeeper who does more than just check off the boxes every month! You're looking for someone who will work WITH you to help you understand your finances and support you in making better decisions for your business.

    Your business is growing and you don't have time to do your monthly bookkeeping

    You want clarity on your numbers and what they mean to you as a business owner

    You want to know what your financial standing is, how much you’re making, and how much you’re spending

    • Initial Discovery call to figure out your needs and wants

    • Monthly Transaction Categorization

    • Monthly Receipt Review/Management

    • Month End Reconciliations

    • Profit and Loss Report at month end

    • Transaction Report at month end

    • Easy-to-understand and customized Profit and Loss Review

    • Available for monthly call to go over major questions and financial goals for your business

    • Available for any questions you may have like “can I expense this”, and “is it a good time for me to invest in this”.

  • $350/month

    *3 month minimum

Many creative businesses face a similar challenge: they're swamped with tasks and weighed down by financial intricacies.

This can cause…

  1. Stress from constantly worrying about if your books are correct and up to date

  2. Decreased profits because you could be spending more than you realize

  3. Frustration from lack of clarity on how your business is actually doing

  4. Missed opportunities because you’re too scared to make big investments

Hey there!

I’m Sarah,

I’m a bookkeeper working to help creatives and women business owners feel CONFIDENT in their finances.

There are so many business owners who are looking for a bookkeeper they can actually feel comfortable with, which is where I come in.

As someone who has loved counting cash and coins since a young age (no seriously, I would do that for fun), I want to bring the joy that bookkeeping has brought me to other business owners!

You deserve to feel confident that your books are taken care of, confident in the health of your business, and confident that you have someone you’re comfortable with to ask any and all financial questions.

I currently help businesses such as marketing agencies, photographers, social media managers, graphic designers, artists, and more.

If you're looking for someone who wants to work WITH you on your journey to grow your business and makes you feel confident in your finances and as a business owner, look no further.

Ready for your finances to just make sense?

Step 1: Inquire on my Website

Fill out the short form to begin the process of working together! After that, you’ll be sent to my calendly to schedule a Discovery call.

Step 2: Figure out a plan

When we have our 1:1 call together, we will talk about your pain points and how I can best help you as your bookkeeper!

Step 3: Off we go!

After we’ve onboarded, I’ll start working on your books, making sure they are clean and accurate, and you’ll receive your first P&L Review the next month so you can see exactly how your business is doing!

Investing in your business can be scary!

  • Have someone on your team who can help you with financial decisions

  • Have peace of mind knowing your books are accurate and up to date

  • See the FULL picture of your business finances

  • Have a strong understanding of your numbers and what you can do to help them grow

  • Ask all your “how do we expense this?” and “can I do this?” questions to one person

  • Sleep well knowing that your tax season will be a breeze!

When we start working together, you’ll…

If you’re ready to stop the constant financial stress…

One-Time Services


Bookkeeping Catchup offers a 1:1 call to discuss how long ago your books were updated and the best way to get them up to date. After receiving the necessary information, I will go through and update your books for the months that have been missed. This service is for you if you have struggled to update your books for the past few months, or even year!

Starting Price: $500
Pricing Varies on Scope